The end of Term 3 seemed to come round very suddenly, and we have packed an awful lot into what has been quite a short term. Highlights have included Flashdance, Private Lives, The Play that Goes Wrong, workshops with professionals, including our amazing singing tutor Ria Keen, physical theatre practitioner Josh Patel and Flashdance cast member Rikki Chamberlain, work with wardrobe and marketing at the Everyman and lots of rehearsal for The Changing Room, which is very nearly ready for its first audience on Wednesday 21st February.

This week, we have been very focused on The Changing Room, and with pulling production elements together. We spent some time on Thursday morning creating props and set, and have been including costume in rehearsals. The play is set in and around a swimming pool, and this has been the main influence for our set, props and costumes. Towels, floats and other swimming aids feature heavily.

It’s half term now, but the Stagedoor group will still be visiting the Everyman, as they’re finding out about design elements in the theatre’s own production of Quartet, written by Oscar winner Sir Ronald Harwood, and starring Paul Nicholas, Wendi Peters, Sue Holderness and Jeff Rawle, before watching the production and meeting the cast on Thursday afternoon.