This weekend saw the beginning of the audition process for September 2018 entry. All applicants to the Stagedoor Learning BTEC Extended Diploma have to attend an informal interview and audition, and I spent the day at Stagedoor HQ meeting prospective students. And what a fabulous, talented bunch they were! I was treated to audition pieces from After Juliet, The Crucible, Much Ado About Nothing and Girls Like That, amongst others, and it was really exciting to chat to young performers about their hopes and ambitions, and to be able to explain why the Stagedoor Learning course is a cut above offers from other colleges. For a start, nowhere else offers quite so much access to industry professionals, nowhere else gives the chance to perform in a professional theatre each term, and nowhere else offers quite so many free theatre trips! Stagedoor is the place to be for anyone who wants to study Performing Arts at 6th form level. There are still a handful of places left for September, but we’re filling up fast. Check the applications link for details and an application form.